Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Portraits and Self-Portraits - Start Looking

Favorite self portrait.
2008 contest entry.
 The fact that the finger is touching the water makes it stand out. The color of the water is beautiful. This photograph is simple , yet balanced with its surroundings. It's a photograph because it has all of the rules of photography.

Mark Seligner photograph.
This photograph has simplicity. Its well balanced. Not too much going on, but its unusual. I think the fact that the paint is going down her face, it makes it more unique ; her face expression is somewhat relaxed, and comfortable within her self. That makes this photograph a good picture.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ethics in Fashion Photography.

1. They fixed her neck and extended it to make it look longer, decreased the side of her shoulders ; made her eyes look higher and larger ; and decreased the sides of her face to make her looks skinny.

2. It is not ethical to changes someones appearance on a photograph , because later on if she want's so sue them for some sort of reason the judge won't be able to take the case to court because in the photograph the model and the Photoshopped picture look nothing alike.
3. Yes, because that makes the person look even more fake due to the fact that they don't look alike.

4. Maybe fixing blemishes or something like that, but not making her neck longer or fixing her eyes or trying to make her look skinnier. ?

5. I think that fashion photography is like photos of peoples face like a close up, and photojournalism is taking photographs of all sorts of things.

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each? This makes us be fake people, its saying that we should ALL be perfect, but honestly no body is ever perfect. We are all different in a way. If all of us were to be perfect, would we really be perfect or is it just publicity ; like actually think about it , if we were all perfect would we really be perfect since we all look alike or would we just be clones.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

That selection was about people that got caught for Photoshopping some photographs. It said what exactly they did to make the Photoshop. This all started on April 1st ,2003 also known as "April Fools Day". All the people that did a Photoshop got caught and got fired from their jobs. I think that the type of photo editing is unethical because you shouldn't Photoshop any photograph without permission. Those photographs shouldn't have even been published in the fist place.

I think this is the most ethical photograph because , i don't think anyone would want to have those teeth. It was a good thing to do a Photoshop to this photographs.

The photographs to the left are the most unethical photoshop. I think its unethical because maybe in the future they might be wondering what really happened but are going to be surprised by looking at two identical photographs but the background is different. That might confuse a couple of people.

National Geographic Warm-up.

I chose this photograph because its abstract. It has great rule of thirds, and the view from where the picture was shot is excellent. I chose this photograph because i like abstract  things and the moment i saw this photograph, it caught my eye.

I would take a photograph of a tornado, but not just any tornado, it would be one that has a lot of action going on ; not too much throwing things around type of tornado. I would take a photo of a tornado that is in motion towards a small abandoned house. It would be some what simple, yet action going on.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cool Video

The video was nice. I liked that it showed the homecoming pictures from the rally. I would like to have seen featured maybe students at the rally game. The video was great i don't think it would need to be improved.