Monday, October 24, 2011

American Soldier Slide Show and Captions.

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?
The one on Chapter 8, Ian Fisher - Coming Home. It's a photograph of a medal given to Ian by his squad leader. Its the most powerful image because its showing his great accomplishments from Iraq.

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
 Chapter 6 , because it's showing what he does in Iraq , fighting for our country.

c. How do the images work together to tell a story?
They're in sequence of how everything was happening. 

A. The verbs in the photographs where Ian is the main subject , are described in a present tense.

B. The captions enhance the photographs by describing what the subject is and what exactly is happening in the picture.

- Chapter 2- 6th photo, where they're shaving his head.
Caption : Bobby is having a 46 year old man shave his head right before morning training.
- Chapter 5 - 25th photo, where dad and son are togethere.
Caption : Bobby and his dad , Rob McDonalds, are at Wal-mart  having father son bonding.
-Chapter7 - 28th photo, where there is a guy with some sort of broom or something and is trying to push the dirt, while some guy is supervising his work.
Caption : Bobby is doing his afternoon routine while his supervisors Ronny, Chris and John are looking at his work, making sure he is doing it correctly.

A. These videos enhance the photographs by giving us a more visual perspective about the situation.

B.Videos are better than photographs because they give you a more visual look about the time, and in photographs you have to make a prediction about what exactly is happening. Like in Chapter 1 you are being described the setting and everything but in the video the parents are talking about the things happening.

C.On the other hand, photographs are better that videos at times , lets say you have a photograph and a video and you are asked to make a prediction , im pretty sure you would choose the photographs since with a picture you can actually make a prediction, but with a video it shows what it actually is. For instance, in chapter 1 the 3rd photo shows Ian in his cap and gown from graduation, you can actually make an inference about what is happening , but in the video it doesn't show what exactly happened, and you can't predict since they just gave you the facts.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Caption Writting Photographs.

Kevin and his brother Johnny are at McDonalds, for lunch
Kevin orders some large fries and is still hungry.
Kevin: Are you gonna finish that?

John and his friends, Lauren and Max are at a park late afternoon, and just saw a flying panda. 
John: Say cheese !
Panda: Meow !

There was this massive flood in the city in mid April, 
and Billy is a 47 year old man, he is starving. 
Billy : Hello? Yes, Pizza Hutt ?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Instagram Phone Photography

1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
We could take some themes of students doing a science experiment, or a student solving a math problem on the board, or maybe even students at lunch.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
We should probably use cameras and phones to take the pictures. They may be different quality but its okay. Like for the people who don't own a camera phone they should use a regular camera.

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?
I would want to put the mural in the front doors, like where the flags are at, but inside so people can see it when they walk in, it would look nice there.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Warm Up 10/13/11

1. What do you have to do on the camera to make this type of photo?
For the LCD display you have to set the stops at 9.5 stops, and the contrast at 700:1 (250:1 - 1750:1)

 2. Is a Canon T3 able to shoot bracketed photos?  
Yes, the Cannon T3 is able to shoot bracketed photos.

3. Is there a place on campus we could take a series of photos like this?
Maybe the front of the school, like the main doors in the front. Or maybe the track.

4. Do a google image search for HDR photos and find your favorite, post it on your blog, tell me why you picked that photo and then tell me what techniques (rules of photography) the photographer used.

 This was my favorite picture, the photographer used balance, a good job on avoiding mergers, rule of thirds, and good framing, he made the picture simple, and not too crowded with detail. It doesn't have any merges , and the framing is fabulous. He balanced the photograph nicely and it doesn't look lob sided or anything.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fixed Photo Shoot Post Shoot Reflection.

1. What did you learn about the camera when you took these photos?
I learned how to change the Shutter Speed, and the f-stop .

.2. What do you notice about all the photos and the way they look?
That every time , they kept going darker and darker when the Shutter speed increased.

3. Can you tell the difference between each ISO? Explain how.
Yes, you can tell the difference because each time the ISO increased the pictures kept going brighter and brighter.

4. What does this tell you about ISOs and what it does when you change it when you take pictures.
It means that the ISO change effects each lighting on photographs.

5. What about focus? Can you see a difference in the photos? Tell me what differences and similarities you see.
Yes, the focus gets better and better each time when the ISO is decreased.


7. What do you need to concentrate on when you go out to shoot next time when you have to shoot in Manual setting? 
I need to concentrate on having the right shutter speed and the right F-stop along with the ISO.

Great White and Black Photographers part 3.

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? The first thing that caught my when i was looking at these pictures was the beauty and precise photographs. The fact that they were beautiful pictures made me choose those photos. 

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.

 Photograph #1
I see - A dark and rainy day, very humid out side. Not much sun light going through.
I smell - Very humid air, the type of air that you smell when it just freshly rained.
I hear - Thunder, rain pouring down. The sound that it makes when rain hits umbrellas.
I taste - Water, cold , cold water.
I feel - Cold , yet warm at the same time. Its relaxing at some point, but it may be scary with thunder.

Photograph #2
I see - A beautiful flower, unique , yet recognizable.
I smell - Flowers, the type of smell when you go to a flower shop and all you smell is the soothing smell of beautiful flowers.
I hear - Bee's flying near, their buzzing sound.
I taste - N/A
I feel - Relaxed, yet the bee's buzzing tickles my ears. The flower is smooth, but rough at its middle.

3) I would most likely make a blog about my photographer. The blog would be filled with his photographs , information about him, and the best pictures that he took.