Monday, April 30, 2012

Architecture photos and questions.

La Pedrera, Spain  
 1. Who is the architect? The Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi
2. When was it built? 1911
3. Where is it located at? Barcelona, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? It's divided into separate private apartments, you can visit some of the parts of the building.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? No there is not.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was inspired by the mountains of Montserrat.
7. Why did you pick this building? Honestly I chose this building because it was the first on on the list. Although I noticed that it was located in Spain and thought it would be pretty interesting to view some architectural buildings that are located in Spain. The name of this building also seemed rather strange which caught my attention when I was reading down the list. 

Strong National Museum of Play, USA
1. Who is the architect ? CJS Architects
2. When was it built?1969
3. Where is it located? The USA
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit it, it's opened to the public.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? I couldn't find any information on how much it would cost.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? No there is not any reason, it was rebuild in 2006 although it was originally build in 1969.
7. Why did you pick this building? The building has some pretty cool colored buildings. It also looks like a children's place to be. I also chose this building because the name of it made me think of kids. 
Sculptured House, USA
1. Who is the architect ? Architect Charles Deaton
2. When was it built? 1963
3. Where is it located? In the USA
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? It's a private building because it's a house not just any building.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? $2.8 million - $3.1 million
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?Architect Charles Deaton described his inspiration on the house : "On Genesee Mountain I found a high point of land where I could stand and feel the great reaches of the Earth. I wanted the shape of it to sing an unencumbered song."
7. Why did you pick this building? Because the name sounded pretty fascinating! I mean I've never really seen a sculpted house, so by reading the name of the building it shocked me and I was interested in researching about this building.
 The Ufo House, Taiwan
1. Who is the architect? It doesn't say who was the architect but the houses were owned by Hung Kuo Group
2. When was it built? In the beginning of 1978
3. Where is it located? Taiwan
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? The buildings are no longer up, they have been demolished.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? No there is not, because the buildings were never finished.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? Many people stated that they were buildings representing the future.
7. Why did you pick this building? I chose this building because I find it very amusing to read something sci-fi such as UFO's. The building seemed pretty old and rusty which made it seem spooky and mysterious.
 Eden project, United Kingdom
1. Who is the architect ? Nicholas Grimshaw
2. When was it built? took 2 and 1/2 years to construct but it was open to the public on 03-17-2001
3. Where is it located? The United Kingdom
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? Anyone can visit this place, it's open to the public.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? No there is not, although they used around £260,000 just to instal the solar panels.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? The article didn't say the reason why it was built.
7. Why did you pick this building? Because i saw the pictures of it and it seemed pretty interesting, I mean they're houses containing plants from all over the world, it's pretty much a green house. The exhibit was well put together and its buildings are made from hexagonal and pentagonal inflated cells supported by steel frames.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Elements of News







~Human Interest-

5 Ws and the H

 Pilot mistakes Venus for a Cargo Plane.
Who? The first officer on Air Canada flight 878
Who is involved? The officer from the plane and the passengers
Who does/did the situation affect? The plane, passengers, officer, and pilot
Who said so? The officer stated the situation.

What? The plane when up and down the sky in its altitude.
What is happening? Passengers were being thrown across the plane.
What did happen? The passengers were getting injured due to this malfunction.
What are the consequences? Injured people that were aboard the plane while this was occurring.
What is different about this? People weren't wearing seat belts.
What are the choices? Wear your seat belts at all times.

When? January 14, 2011
When did or will this happen? January 14th on 2011
When was this discovered? As soon as it happened.

Where? While aboard in the sky
Where did or will this happen? On the plane

Why? There was a misunderstanding from a cargo plane and planet Venus.
Why did this happen or will it happen? The officer thought there was a cargo plane above them so he drifted the plane down but wasn't aware that it was dangerous.

How? The pilot and officer drifted the plane causing passengers to fly across the room.
How did it or will it happen? The plane was not monitored carefully with it's surroundings.
How much does it cost? A lot of money considering that several passengers were injured.
How many people does this affect? Everyone on board while this accident happened but only 14 were injured.
How do you feel about this? I feel like this is a sign that we should be more careful when we ride a plane considering it's surroundings with objects and that people that abort a plane should always be wearing their seat belts.

Six year old gets handcuffed by Officer.

Who? Salecia Johnson
Who is involved? School staff and officer
Who does/did the situation affect? Staff from the school and parents
Who said so? Officer, Salecia's parents, staff

What? Salecia was being destructive at school.
What is happening? Salecia is being arrested for destruction of school property and being violent to staff.
What did happen? Salecia was acting up not behaving in school.
What are the consequences? The student Salecia was arrested by an officer.
What is different about this? It's very odd or a six year old to get arrested
What are the choices? Not many, she would get arrested either way.

When? 2005
When did or will this happen? The article didn't really say when it happened but it took place in 2005 and on a Friday.
When was this discovered? Doesn't say when in the article

Where? Creekside Elementary School
Where did or will this happen? All round school, including the school main office.

Why? Salecia, Creekside student was acting up destroying school property
Why did this happen or will it happen? She wasn't behaving.

How? School called officer and arrested Salecia.
How did it or will it happen? Officer arrested Salecia who was later sent to court for the case.
How much does it cost? School destruction,
How many people does this affect? The principle, school staff, Salecia, Salecia's parents, and the Officer that arrested Salecia.
How do you feel about this? I feel like it might have been over reacting to arrest a six year old but then again what other choice would the have to control a six year old who won't calm down.

Austin Fisher won't walk the stage to graduate.
Who? Austin Fisher
Who is involved? Austin Fisher, his mother, school board
Who does/did the situation affect? Austin Fisher
Who said so? The School board

What? Austin Fisher might not graduate because of too many absences due to taking his mom to chemotherapy for cancer. 
What is happening? The school board is deciding whether or not let Austin Fisher walk the stage to graduate.
What did happen? He was supported by the community
What are the consequences?He might not walk the stage with his classmates if the doesn't graduate.
What is different about this? He missed so much school because he was helping his mom with her condition.
What are the choices? Accept Austin Fisher to graduate school.

When? Monday afternoon
When did or will this happen? Monday afternoon fall 2011
When was this discovered? Fall 2011

Where? Small town in Ohio
Where did or will this happen? Carrollton School District.

Why? Austin Fisher was helping his mother with her condition of cancer.
Why did this happen or will it happen? He has too many absences.

How? The school district is deciding whether or not graduate Austin Fisher.
How did it or will it happen? He missed a lot of school and now he might not graduate.
How much does it cost? His graduation. (NOT money)
How many people does this affect? Just Austin Fisher
How do you feel about this? I feel like Austin Fisher should graduate because he was just helping his mother with her therapies although his absences were unexcused.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Questions and Answers: Assignment #2

''Student of the month'' 
(Interviewed Tommy)
1.What persuaded you to run for the student of the month?
-"My friends persuaded me for competition between us''

2.Would you make any changes to our school education wise if you could? 
-"No I would not"

3.If so, what would you change?
 -"Because nothing should be changed in our school''

4.Do you care about the students in the school?
 -"Hell no! Why should I care? They don't give a damn about me, so why should I care about them?"

5.How much do you care about the education you're getting?
 -"Actually I care a lot about my education.'' He said he didn't want to be a bum in life!

6.How you you feel about being Student of the Month?
 -''No difference. It's just a label. It's not like the students treat me any different''

7.Is this whole experience new to you?
 -''Yes but who cares!''

8.How does it feel to be called Student of the Month?
 -''Like I said it's just a title. I don't feel any different then I did before"

9.Are you exited about being elected such high position from the students of the school?
 -"No I am not. I feel like it's unnecessary to have student of the month. It's pretty much useless''

10.What's you favorite thing about our school, building wise?
 -"The ROTC program''

11.How does it feel to have high expectations from the students now that you're Student of the Month?
 -"I'm not sure''

12.If there was an election for Student of the Year, would you want to be a candidate?
 -Said ''NO!!!'' with a straight face.

13.Who inspired you to become Student of the Month?
 -''My friends encouraged me for the competition between us''

14.Do you like your new position in our school?
 -''No! Not really. It feels the same as it did before. No difference''

15.Is this election important to you, as in do you care about being Student of the Month?
 -''It's okay, but not really. I'm just doing this because it would look good on my record''

16Do you like that students come to you for advice since you're in a higher position of our education?
 -''No students care. So far no students have come to me''

17.Who's your role model at our school?
 -''The ROTC Care... and my math teacher Ms. Jones''

18.Who do you look up to in general?
 -''My self!"

19.If you could become president of the year for the school what changes would you make?
 - ''No changes that I could do for the students because It would have to be approved by the principal''

20.What are you going to do to make our education and school a better place for the students?
 -''Nothing!'' Straight up face.

Questions and Answers: Assignment #1

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
-The group of people who agree with the dress code
-The main person at the school district center.
-One of the people that enforced school uniforms
2.''School District Policy for Uniforms"
-What do you think is going to happen with the students after they start using the enforced uniforms?
-Will the students try to protest against this enforcement?
-What made the district put this enforcement for uniforms?
-Why does it have to be the whole district who have to use uniforms?
-What do you think was the cause for district uniforms?
-Will there be any more changed to the dress code of the district?
-Do you think the students as well as the parents will like the new dress code assigned to their district?
-How does the change in dress code make you feel?
-Are you 100% for the dress code change?
-Yes, or no? Why?
-Will the dress code be strict?
-How so?
-Who do you think should be eligible to change the dress code?
-Should the district enforce the uniforms for the whole district?
-Why do you think they should or should not enforce this policy of uniforms?
-Do you think the students as well as the parents and teachers will follow the rules of the uniform?
-Why is this uniform a policy to the whole district?
-How would you feel if this policy was canceled?
-Should the principles of the schools have a say in the whole decision of the dress code?
-Do you think the uniform policy of the district will try to persuade other districts into using uniforms? for their

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sports/Action Shoot Finale

 Photo #1 : 
Joe Williams rushes with the ball during 2nd period on Wednesday at the Akins High School Gymnasium. Him, as well as other students play a game of basketball during free time in gym.

Photo #2 
A group of students as well as the Photojournalism teacher walk towards class at the Akins High School court yard on Wednesday after taking action photos. A wonderful day outside was well spent taking pictures for class.

Photo #3 :
Jimmy Shawn plays a friendly game of basketball on Wednesday afternoon at the Akins Gymnasium. The student gets distracted by a screaming classmate and doesn't look when the ball is right in front of him. 

Photo # 4 
Mike Sanchez runs across the Akins gymnasium court on Wednesday afternoon. Him as well as other students play a friendly game of basketball during free time in Gym class.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Caption and evaluation practice.

 Flaming hands at a street entertainment

John Peterson is a local man who works at the corner of 7th avenue and Malibu road using fire as an entertainment for the people who pass by. Last Tuesday John was seen using a bottle like object with flaming smoke, although it may seem dangerous John manages to entertain the people without getting injured.

This photograph met the rule of thirds in such way that the subject in the photograph, in this case the man, isn't just in the center of the picture. It's bringing the viewers eye to a different prospective then just to the middle of the photo. Although it's a simple photograph, it has good background because it's blurred out helping the viewer not get distracted from it's original purpose. 

 In this photograph it has great viewpoint. It creates a good vanishing point, helping the viewer see the prospective on which the picture was taken. It not only seems like the front objects are popping out but it makes it look like there's more behind those mountains. 

 This picture shows a good frame in such way that the subject has a good position with the surroundings of the subject, and in this case it's the tip of the boat that's floating on the water. Although it also shows good cropping because the subject isn't being cut off and it's in a great position to be viewed fully.