Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Posting photos


Mural photo-

Best Covers

Covers that feature a portrait -
4.not a portrait
5.not a portrait
6.not a portrait
8.not a portrait
11.not a portrait
12.not a portrait
14.not a portrait
16.not a portrait
17.not a portrait
20.not a portrait
25.not a portrait
26.informal     "favorite"
33.not a portrait
34.not a portrait

Favorite - #26 People (March 4, 1974)
This premiere issue of People featured Mia Farrow on the cover biting a strand of pearls. Farrow was starring in the movie The Great Gatsby as Daisy Buchanan and the magazine cover dubbed Gatsby the years next big movie. Since this issue, People has become a popular magazine of celebrity and pop culture news and is best known for yearly special issues naming The 50 Most Beautiful People, The Best and Worst Dressed and The Sexiest Man Alive.
The cover was very simple, great face expressions. The lighting is a bit too bright, but the skin color of the woman makes it blend in with the photograph. The photograph makes the viewer wonder about the woman and her surroundings.

Magazine Cover Introduction.

5 things to keep in mind:
-Worth the investment of money and time.
-Emotionally irresistible
-Efficient, fast, easy to scan
-Familiar recognition from issue to issue
-Intellectually stimulating, interesting

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lytro Warm-Up.

1. I saw that the focus on the picture changed. Every time you clicked on a different place on the photograph, the focus changed, it either got clear, or a bit blurry.

2. This camera takes pictures with a different focus, you can manage where the focus will be on the photograph that your going to take.

3. You need to know the rules of photography , and how to corporate them into the photograph. Your going to have to know what exactly your going to take a picture of.You can change the change the focus at anytime.

4.Yes, because it gives you the opportunity to change the focus on the thing that your going to be photographing. It takes the pictures differently than other cameras.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shortlist Warm-Up.

Landscapes -
I like this photograph because it doesn't show to much. It's really simple. Has a good viewpoint, not just from top. 

Travel -
I like this photograph because it shows beauty, independent. The lady is putting on make up. It's beautiful. 

Fashion -
The reason i like this photograph is because it shows simplicity, beauty , braveness. This was my favorite picture because it's beautiful. 

Family and friends - 
The reason this is my favorite picture is because it shows companion. It may only show it's legs, but I'm pretty sure you know what they're doing. . . hugging. 

Portrait - 
I like this picture because it shows simplicity, and the effect on the water makes the picture stand out. 

Documentary - 
This photograph makes me think about the world, the people living in it without a home, without food, it just touched my heart. But it's a good photograph because it has good rules of photography. 

Gardens and Plants - 
I like this photograph because it shows good rules of photography. Very simple, not too much going on but it's a good photograph. 

Wildlife -
I chose this photograph because it shows caring and love between animals . 

Creative license - 
I chose this photograph because it's not like any usual photo, it's like a thriller, yet good imagination.

Action and Movement -
I chose this photograph because the kid looks happy , and the angle from where the picture was taken was excellent. It's simple yet, tells a story.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Rules of Photography Part II

1. Rule of thirds - 
2. Balancing elements - 

3. Leading Lines -

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition) - 

5. Viewpoint - 

6. Background -

7. Create depth -

8. Framing -

9. Cropping -

10. Mergers and avoiding them -

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Self Portrait and Portraits Part II

-Favorite Tips -
  • Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.
  • Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.
  • Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait. 
-Environmental Portrait-

I liked this photograph because it shows love and companion. It shows learning and comprehending. I like babies, and this picture just screamed out to me " Pick me ! Pick me ! I'm a great photograph. " , so i picked it. The mom teaching her baby shows love and caring for the baby.

 I picked this photograph because its interesting. The guy is standing on the edge, it might look dangerous but it's a thriller. I like that the guy is standing on the edge of the cliff , it makes the viewer wonder what he was doing up there.

-Photography Self Portrait- 

I picked this photograph because the face expression on the girl makes the viewer wonder, she looks mad or depressed. I like that her eyes make contact with the viewers eyes when looking at her.

I picked this photograph because the colors used on her eye shadow and flowers on her head. I like that it's just her face showing. It's very beautiful. Her face expression is good.

-Casual Portrait-

I chose this picture because the background on the photograph is amazing. The point of view from where the picture was taken is great. It has good photography rules, and it's overall a great photograph. I like that he body posture is in the rule of thirds and not just centered; that would make the picture a little boring.

I chose this photograph because the girls are in good body posture. The picture has great rules of photography. I like that the girls are all facing each other and not just towards the camera.

-My Plan for the Photographs-
My plan for the photographs that we're going to be taking is that, i need to have a good camera first of all. I don't think the photograph is going to be of me. I'm going to take the picture of another person. I need to practice my rules of photography. I'm thinking of shooting outside, I'm not too sure though because it's been raining lately so yeah that might mess up the picture.
1. I would like to go to "Spreepark" in Berlin, Germany. The reason i would like to go take photographs there is because its amusing. Being able to see all those statues of dinosaurs, and the swans. It stands out, most amusement parks don't have all those kinds of dinosaurs, dragons etc. That place looks really abandoned but its unique. 


-A dark tunnel , with a lot of graffiti on it.
-An abandoned church
-An abandoned museum of art or like some type of old building
-Abstract things such as, animals, people doing extraordinary things etc.


5. I like that it's abandoned, not many people may want to visit the because its not in use. I would take pictures of the inside of the building. This place is interesting to me because, i like museums, and the fact that it's abandoned makes me want to visit there and photograph it.

6.Obviously i would need to get a good transportation, such as a plane or train. I would need a good tripod, good camera, i would need money of course . I'm not sure how much money i would need , but I'm sure its somewhat of a lot . I would need to research if I'm eligible to go and photograph the inside, i wouldn't want to be trans-passing on private property .