Monday, January 30, 2012

Yearbook introduction.

On your blog, post the following information

School name: Dripping Springs High School

School location, exact location: Dripping Springs, TX 78620

School size: Doesn't say ?

How many pages is the book? 216

How many sections are in the book? 5

List the sections in the book Opening, Fall , Winter, Spring, Closing

What sports are played at that school? Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Cross-Country, Soccer, Track, Shot put, Softball, Power-lifting,  Baseball, Tennis, Cheerleading,

Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school? "FFA" Future Farmers of America, "FHA" Future Homemakers of America, Debate club, Yearbook, National Art Honor Society, Spanish Club, French Club, Newspaper, Theater, The Mock Trial Club "Law", "Destination Imagination" Odyssey of the Mind, PALs, "NHS" National Honor Society, "FCA" Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Student Council,

What are the school colors? Maroon white and gold
What is the theme of the book? "Crossing The Line"

What thematic elements are present throughout the book?

How many years has the book been published? 12

Who is the editor-in-chief of the book? Doesn't say ?

Who is the advisor? Don't know ? It doesn't say who they are ?

What  is your favorite spread in the book? The Opening

What do you like about this book? The senior pictures are colored.

What would you change if you were working on that book? The black and white MUST go, it distracts the pictures from its subject.

Would you like to go to that school? Maybe, I'm not sure.

Why would you or would you not like to go to that school? It seems like a pretty good school with academics as well as school spirit.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Magazine Covers.

I. Early Magazine Covers :
This selection is about the magazines back in the days, they weren't very detailed in such matter. They were quite simple , not revealing too much information of its content. Throughout the years the magazine covers began to have more detail on their subjects. At fist they were really simple with only the title , and the publication data. They didn't expose its what you would find inside the magazine.

II. The Poster Cover : Pictures That Need No Words.
In this selection, the magazines weren't used with much words. But usually the pictures didn't relate to the content of the magazine, they were just there to put a mood on their magazine cover. The covers were mostly illustrated, not photographed. But later on , the photographs became a little more realistic and not so much of illustrated. They have always used a picture for their magazine cover to attract it's viewers.

III. Pictures Married to Type.
This selection is about them using cover lines ; they used them to outline the pictures on their magazine covers. They traced the photographs with outer lines. Then they started using the Title being overlapped by some sort of subject ; also they started using better colors for the pictures. The cover also started having news, something they hadn't done before. They actually posted news on the cover to make the viewer more interested.

IV. In the Forest of Words.
In this selection they started using vivid photographs to catch the viewers eye. The cover and lining overlap each other creating a better view. The titles and news they put on the cover started to cover over and surround the subject on the photograph. The photograph were not only being overlapped by words and titles , but they were being overlapped by the cover lines.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Photoshop photographs.

This is my "happy" photograph. . . 
I think this is a good example of my work for this subject. It relates to "happy" by showing good facial expressions in the person. It shows that they're happy, relating to it's subject. 

This is my "building" portrait. . .
I believe this photograph shows the subject "building" perfectly for the reason that it's showing a building and it's surroundings. 

This is my "Akins" picture. . . 
I believe this picture relates very well to my subject since it has "W. Charles Akins High School" on it, making it relate more fluently to the criteria.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Choice sheets.

Okay, so I'm considering joining Yearbook. I think photography is really cool and i would like to keep doing it. This class is very interesting and I'm guessing Yearbook class will be even better. I like writing captions and taking pictures. It actually influenced me a bit onto considering joining Yearbook.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My holiday brake.

1. Well i sent New Years at my aunts house. It was pretty hectic that day. We planned it at the very last minute.

2. My resolutions for 2012 are to do better in school since I was slacking of a bit last semester. Also to get a job before the summer, i really don't wanna be asking my parents for money because they always make some sort of excuse on not giving me any, so now i want to be a bit more independent. I also hope to not get the problems get to me so bad, things tic me off really easy , so for this year i plan to stay more calm and relax a bit more.

3. In 2012 I'm looking forward to meeting new people. Many people said "New Year , New Me" , but in my case, i wouldn't consider me as a NEW me, i just consider myself as a better person who makes good choices in life now.  I'm really looking forward to this year, it seems like it's going to be a bit hectic , but I'm up for the challenge.

The five 2011 questions.

1. What was the best song of 2011 ?
-Someone like you - Adele -
I chose this song because it pretty much explains how I felt in 2011. This song gives so much detail on the situation, and you can actually comprehend what she's trying to say. In my opinion on why it was the best of 2011 is because to me, it explained my thoughts and feelings during that year.

2.What was the best movies of 2011 ?
-Puss and boots-

I chose this movie because it's adorable. I don't really like cats but come on now, who wouldn't wanna watch that movie ? It's a great movie in my opinion. Cats and me are like water and oil, we don't mix ; but this movie is like phenomenal. This movie is funny, adorable, cute, and satisfying.

3.What was the most important news story of the year ?
-The Royal Wedding-
In my opinion the most important new of the year was when Prince William married Catherine Middleton. Their wedding was like such big news for 2011. It may not have been in the United States, but it was really great. That wedding was news all over the world. It was a big deal for a Prince to get married.

4. Who was the most important person of 2011 ?
-Bruno Mars- 
(Most important person of 2011 !!! ) 
I chose Bruno Mars as the most important person of 2011 for the reason that all the other people seemed some what boring to me. I mean they are special people and what not, but Bruno Mars, now hes something alright. He is a great singer/artist. He seemed pretty much more important to me than any of the listed people. 

5. Who was the most entertainment person of 2011 ? 
The most entertainment person of 2011 would have to be Drake. He made some pretty good music in 2011, including his album "Take Care". That album had great songs. He himself is my favorite entertainment person. I know the question said sports or entertainment, so i chose entertainment. I consider a rapper and entertainment. Don't you ? Well, yeah he was the one i chose for most entertainment person. He had some songs in his album "Take Care" that really expressed my thoughts.

Favorite pictures

This is one of my favorite photos of the year because his facial expression gives a lot of detail to the setting of the photograph, and the angle from where the picture was taken is just great.

This is my second favorite photograph of the year for the reason that the point of view of the pictures is great, it has great rule of thirds and the photograph tells a whole lot of details from the setting of the picture.

This is my third favorite photograph of the year because the sky looks amazing, the photographer used great rule of thirds, and it has great view point.