Friday, January 20, 2012

Magazine Covers.

I. Early Magazine Covers :
This selection is about the magazines back in the days, they weren't very detailed in such matter. They were quite simple , not revealing too much information of its content. Throughout the years the magazine covers began to have more detail on their subjects. At fist they were really simple with only the title , and the publication data. They didn't expose its what you would find inside the magazine.

II. The Poster Cover : Pictures That Need No Words.
In this selection, the magazines weren't used with much words. But usually the pictures didn't relate to the content of the magazine, they were just there to put a mood on their magazine cover. The covers were mostly illustrated, not photographed. But later on , the photographs became a little more realistic and not so much of illustrated. They have always used a picture for their magazine cover to attract it's viewers.

III. Pictures Married to Type.
This selection is about them using cover lines ; they used them to outline the pictures on their magazine covers. They traced the photographs with outer lines. Then they started using the Title being overlapped by some sort of subject ; also they started using better colors for the pictures. The cover also started having news, something they hadn't done before. They actually posted news on the cover to make the viewer more interested.

IV. In the Forest of Words.
In this selection they started using vivid photographs to catch the viewers eye. The cover and lining overlap each other creating a better view. The titles and news they put on the cover started to cover over and surround the subject on the photograph. The photograph were not only being overlapped by words and titles , but they were being overlapped by the cover lines.

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